Mbalk » 2011-04-24 02:44:40

The bass is one of those instruments that is absolutely exceptional.  The creme of the crop!
Here I have an Alembic Persuader Bass.  It is custom flamed Koa over mahogany with a maple thru neck.  The headstock is also veneered in flamed koa.
Condition-wise, it is really nice.  There are no major dents or dings that I see, and it doesn't look like it was ever played with a pick.  I would honestly rate it an 8.5/10.
However, as you can see, the entire original Alembic Assembly is included.  It has not been installed in around 20 years and is in great condition.
The other small item to note is that the truss rod cover is missing.
This bass sounds wonderful.  It looks spectacular, and it's very rare, especially in flamed koa.
The original case is also include.
Thanks for looking!

Это описание владельца у которого я купил этот бас.

Это действительно замечательный инструмент. Все детали оригинальные. Два анкера. Бас работает в активном и пассивном режимах. Электроника: громность, громкость, тон/параметрический эквалайзер, преключатель актив/пассив

Инструмент во Владивостоке, вышлю по России.

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Mbalk » 2011-04-24 11:04:36